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We promise that we are committed to protecting the privacy, private data and personal data you provide when using our website (collectively referred to as "personal data"), so that we can comply with the collection, use, storage and transmission of personal data (with personal data privacy). Related laws and regulations) and the highest standards of consumer protection. To ensure that you have full confidence in our handling of personal data, you must read and understand the provisions of the privacy policy in detail. Especially once you use our website, it will be regarded as acceptance, consent, promise and confirmation: You will disclose your personal data to us voluntarily with the required consent; you will abide by all the terms and restrictions of this privacy policy; you will Register on our website and data will be collected; you agree to any future changes to our privacy policy; you agree to our branches, affiliates, employees, and contact you about products and services that may be of interest to you (unless You have indicated that you do not want to receive such messages). Types of Personal Information Collected With your consent, we will collect, manage and monitor personal information. In order to provide you with our various services, you need to provide those personal data and unnamed data that we think are necessary to achieve your instructions and further improve our services, including but not limited to: personal data-your name, Telephone number, fax number, mailing address, e-mail address. Unnamed data The purpose and purpose of collecting personal data and unnamed data are as follows: To provide you with our various services through our website; When you use our website, you can identify and confirm your identity; Let you use it Our website is designed for you; our customer service staff can contact you when necessary; statistics of our website usage data; make it more convenient for you to use our website; to improve our products, services and Conduct market research and surveys for website content; collect information for our activities, marketing and promotion plans; comply with laws, government and regulatory authorities, including but not limited to personal information disclosure and notification requirements; let us and possibly be in Our branches, affiliates, affiliates, employees, agents, service partners, or other third parties that cooperate with us outside the country where you live to promote products and/or services; in relation to the various services we provide , Analyze, verify and/or review your credit, payment and/or status; process any payment instructions, direct debit and/or credit arrangements upon your request; enable you to operate your account and/or enable us Withdraw the outstanding service fee from the account; Cookies When you visit our website, we use Google Stats through cookies to record our performance and check the effect of online advertising. Cookies are small amounts of data sent to your browser and stored on your computer's hard drive. Only when you use your computer to enter our website, cookies can be sent to your computer's hard drive. Cookies are often used to record the habits and preferences of visitors when browsing various items on our website. Cookies cannot be used to obtain data on your hard drive, your email address, and your private data. When you re-apply to our website, you can save the steps of registering again. Most browsers are preset to accept Cookies. You can choose to set your browser to not accept Cookies, or notify you as soon as Cookies are installed. However, if it is set to prohibit cookies, you may not be able to activate or use some features of our website. If you do not prohibit or remove cookies, every time you use the same computer to enter our website, our web server will notify us that you have visited our website, and then we will recognize you and access your registration data and payment data , Collect information about usage, market research, progress and participation in promotional activities, etc. You can change the settings on the browser of the computer you use to access our website to decide whether to accept cookies. If you want, you can change the settings on your browser. If you put your preferences on your browser, you can accept all cookies, receive notifications from cookies, and even reject all cookies. However, if you choose not to use cookies or reject all cookies in your browser, you may not be able to use or activate certain functions of our website, or you may need to log in to your information again. Retention of personal data and unnamed data The personal data and unnamed data you provide to us will only be retained until the purpose of collection has been achieved, unless it is retained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Ownership and Disclosure of Personal Information All information collected on our website is owned by us and will not be rented or sold to any unrelated third party. However, personal information can be disclosed to: Direct marketing Once you have provided us with your personal information, you may receive calls, emails and direct marketing communications from us or our branches. If you do not wish to receive our direct marketing and promotional materials, please write to us at the following address. We will respect your request and will no longer use your personal data in direct marketing activities. Protection of personal data We implement appropriate physical, electronic, management and technical measures to protect and protect the security of your personal data. We do our best to ensure that any personal information collected through our website is free from any nuisance by third parties who have nothing to do with us. The security measures we take include but are not limited to: Physical measures: The records containing your personal information will be stored in a locked place. Electronic measures: Computer data containing your personal information will be stored on computer systems and storage media that are subject to strict login restrictions. Management measures: Only our authorized staff can access your personal data, and these staff need to abide by our internal rules for the confidentiality of personal data. If you know of any security vulnerabilities on our website, please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can take appropriate actions as soon as possible. Despite the implementation of the above-mentioned technical and security measures, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of the transmission of information on the Internet, so we cannot absolutely guarantee that the personal information you provide to us through our website is safe at all times. We are not responsible for any incidents that occur due to unauthorized access to your personal data, and we are not responsible for compensation for any loss or damage incurred or caused in this respect.